Hello. Thanks for joining me.

My name’s Elle Brooker.
I’m the Founder, Principal & Project Lead of Artistic Licence Innovation.
I’m a sole trader with a flair for innovation and ethical risk taking, in the business of embedding strategic goals, compliance and performance into ‘how things are done’ in groups and institutions in a digital world.
I’m a fellow of the Australian Institute of Governance; a veteran executive officer, a transformation lead and an expert in digital skills and AI and ESG for boards.
Contact: Elle @ Artistic Licence Innovation
About Elle
Since 2000 I’ve been pioneering digital law and policy and human centred protections in Australasia.
I specialise in the human-side of regulation, tech and data-driven change and disruption, industry self-regulation and using risk and impact to aid decisions and responses. I’m an expert in ESG, AI, Westminster governance and director mindset.
I know how to engineer high performing human-centred services and systems that leverage data and embed compliance in complex environments.
Big ideas and transformative projects are my bread and butter.
I quit my law degree in the early 2000s to take up policy and shape the way Australians and New Zealanders, their public services and governments, can benefit from new capabilities enabled by data, technology and connectivity.
I oversaw the introduction of the Privacy Act, Health Records Act and the Electronic Transactions Act into law in Victoria in 2002, as the Principal Advisor to the Leader and the Shadow Minister for Technology and Innovation, in the first jurisdiction in the world to appoint a Minister for Multimedia, and led the process of repealing 36 impediments to national eHealth strategy in New Zealand, becoming the reason that New Zealanders have seamless, paperless and governed medicines prescribing today.
I’m interested in policy, practice, and influencing good behaviour proactively using risk and self-regulation in boards, execs and committees.
I understand what the IoT, 5G, AI, data, algorithms and machine learning mean, what these new tools mechanically do, and how they work, to be able to know or anticipate what harms might come from turning them loose on the population, and what measures, checks and ethical balances need to be introduced and put into place to address, arrest or mitigate these foreseeable problems and risks.
Integrity is more core value, and doing the work well is something my family raised me to do.
My firm specialises in transformational projects – the unusual, the uncommon and the unprecedented – new business, new practice, new laws, new ways for working, and in particular instructional design, reporting and KPIs, moving from paper to digital and setting up business as usual.
Privacy, policy, law and the social license to operate, ESG and AI governance, eHealth, citizen-centred services, non-financial risk, value for money, digital skills for boards and executives, how to add value and minimise the risk and threat posed by using AI, algorithmic and autonomous systems and switch modes away from ‘what my job description says I do’ to ‘what citizens need, want and expect from trusted authorities’.
I lead, scope and deliver outcomes in complex environments: public policy, workforce policy, digital services, central government, higher education, health networks, not for profits, associations and the arts.
If you’re after help with:
- Audit response, accreditation preparation, eliminating manual processes and business improvement
- risk based governance and key performance indicators for AI and ESG, strategy development and self-regulation for boards and executives
- embedding compliance into ‘how we do things’
- capturing knowledge that adds value, prevents harm, improves experience and documents the human-side workarounds, checks and balances that promote high performing information systems-driven change that is positive and inclusive.
- data driven revenue that’s Privacy compliant
- getting the best out of existing cloud, digital and data within the current footprint
- CX, UX, web, process and journey mapping, service wireframes that eliminate pain points and put citizens at the centre
- non-financial risk, enterprise risk reporting and profile-making for boards
- policy and procedure writing, governance instruments and custom training courses in governance and policy for organisations
- internal policy reviews and evaluations and rewrites
- pre and post-audit and accreditation actions, plans and service changes
- eGovernment, ESG, social license, risk and preventing harm caused by AAA systems, you’ve come to the right place.
Thanks for joining me here.
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ALI was founded in 2011 at the height of the Global Financial Crisis. Disruption caused by global economic shifts and deficiencies in systems is something Elle knows a thing or two about.